We will support families in teaching the children of our parish community to have a personal relationship with Christ and His Church with the development of faith habits, faith friendships, and engaged learning.

Sacramental Preparation

A relationship with Christ is not finalized with a sacrament. Faith is life-long and requires continued commitment. With this in mind, we ask that all parish children between the ages of 3 and 17 attend religious education throughout the school year.

For children in our program  who have been active in parish life, attending regular masses and have minimal absences, eligibility to receive the Sacraments is considered. If you would like your child to receive a sacrament, please notify the catechist or the Director of Religious Education. Because we believe in life-long faith formation there are no classes intended specifically for the Sacraments. Instead, we prepare all children each week to have a deep relationship with Christ and an understanding of our Catholic faith. We expect our parish children to attend religious education throughout their young lives, and to transition into parish leaders in early adulthood.

Religious Education Schedule 2024-2025

Classes will be held each Sunday before mass.

8:55 AM in English     •     10:55 AM in Spanish

After each class, teachers will escort children to the front of church. Parents can pick up their children and join them for mass. Occasionally, children will be asked to sit with their classes for special masses and programs throughout the year. Family mass attendance is tracked using your REALM account. Please be sure to check in each mass at the kiosks each week, in the entryway of the church.

  • September 8th: Classes Begin

    We will meet outside of the Quiroga college building, across the street from St. Paul Church. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early. Teachers and parent volunteers will be there waiting for you!

  • November 3rd: Daylight Savings Reminder

    Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK!

  • November 7th: Holy Fire Retreat

    Teachers will provide more information

  • December 1st: Thanksgiving Break >>> NO CLASSES

    No classes. Please join us for mass.

  • December 29th - January 5th: Christmas Break >>> NO CLASSES

    While you are not coming to classes, please take advantage of the many Advent activities scheduled!

  • January : Reconciliation

    Date coming soon

  • April 20th: Easter Sunday >>> NO CLASSES

    Enjoy this blessed day with your family and loved ones! See you at Mass.

  • June 1st: Confirmation >>> NO CLASSES

    Confirmation Bilingual Mass @ 12 pm

    Date coming soon

  • May 11th: First Communion >>> NO CLASSES

    1st Communion Masses @ 8 am, 10 am and 12 pm



Knowing of God is not enough. Your child deserves to know God. Our program is designed to make faith a normal part of a child’s life. To talk about the Gospel in ways they understand and to help them grow in faith. Each Sunday, students in Religious Education will have an opportunity to make new friends while learning about the Gospel. We have included time for music, activities and fun.

When you sign your children up for Religious Education at St. Paul Church in Pilsen, you are helping them build fulfilling faith habits and making them an active part of their faith.


Ages 3-5 The Seeds

At this introductory age, we are trying to create a welcoming and fun environment for little children. We will incorporate hands on activities, movement, games and music!

Ages 6-8: The Sprouts

This group will begin to learn their prayers and the basics about the Catholic Mass. They will meet saints, discuss the gospel and make new friends.

Ages 9-12 The Palms

The Palms class will focus on growing in God’s grace, understanding the Catholic seasons and reading gospel. We will also begin to work on how they can be active in parish life, make friends and understand the importance of lifelong faith growth.

Ages 12-14 The Olives

Young Catholics, ages 12-14 should be working to develop a living relationship with Christ. We will focus on things like talking to God, talking with friends about faith, finding joy in parish life, and creating more social opportunities for the young people of our parish.

Ages 15-17: The Cedars

With teenagers in the parish, we will begin working through church leadership. We will ask them to use their talents to serve the Lord and in serving, to learn about faith, make friends, and deepen their relationship with Christ.

When you sign your children up for Religious Education at St. Paul Church in Pilsen, you are helping them build fulfilling faith habits and making them an active part of their faith.

Tuition, Fees, and Discounts

We want to provide the best religious education experience available for children!


  • FIRST CHILD: $175
  • SECOND CHILD: $265
  • THIRD CHILD: $375
  • FOURTH CHILD: $450


Call, email, or stop by the office to register.


Need-based scholarships are available. Limited scholarship funds are available and are considered in the order they are received. Contact our office to apply. 773-847-6100



If you would like to donate to another child’s religious education, click here.

Get Involved

There are many ways to be involved in your child’s religious education and we are always looking for volunteers.


Our teachers in the Religious Education program are called catechists. The Director of Religious Education, in conjunction with the parish Executive Leadership Team, set the program goals and mission for the year. If you love to work with children, if you enjoy sharing your faith and if you want to make an impact on the lives of our youth, this is a great opportunity to share your talents! Curriculum is already set and we can work with you to develop a wonderful class environment!


Office help is always needed. There are multiple tasks on any given class day to help the RE team, like: making copies, preparing emails to parents, working on flyers, answering calls and taking messages.


Hall monitors sit in the hallways and supervise the activities and safety of our children while they are in the classroom wings of our building. 


Aides assist the catechist each week with the normal classroom procedures and lessons. At this time, we are seeking aides who will help us transport kids from the Quiroga building to mass, assist with snacks and treats for the kids and provide support to our catechists.

Join our team of parents!

Fill out this form if you are interested in helping us.

Name / Nombre(Required)
Which role are you interested in? / ¿Qué rol te interesa?(Required)