Our air is polluted!
We are possibly the most polluted community in the nation. There is little regulation on the industries that crowd our schools and homes. There is little monitoring and safety measures in place to hold businesses accountable for what they pour into our air.
We have high levels of asthma and our air is 10 times poorer than the air in Wrigleyville.
The solutions must be comprehensive. It is not enough to talk about ONE business or ONE policy at ONE meeting. We need MORE PEOPLE to get involved and to ask the city, businesses, and neighbors to work together to solve this problem.
We believe in Catholic teachings on Social Justice
Welcome to the Social Justice Committee page for St. Paul Church in Pilsen!
We have along history of working to serve our community and to push for change that benefits our neighbors. We believe that all residents of our community are OUR parishioners, regardless of faith belief. You are OURS and we are YOURS. We must be present in the neighborhood. We must work to improve the lives of all who live here. We must seek to do Christ’s work in – not only loving, but in challenging us all to do better.
Who we are...
Organizations who stand with us
Paul Catholic Church
Lincoln United Methodist Church
Healthy Hood
Alivio Medical Center
Pilsen Neighbors Community Council
Mujeres Latinas en Acción
El Valor Corp.
Alivio Medical Center
Holy Grounds
Somos Un Pueblo
University of IL at Chicago, School of Public Health
What our leaders say...

Mary Gonzales
What our leaders say...

Greg Galluzzo
What our pastor says...

Fr. Mike
What the pope says...