Remember Your Past, Protect Our Future
With individuals, organizations and businesses, we will tell the stories of those who came before us and protect a future for those who will follow.
What is Remember Your Past, Protect Our Future?
This is a special appeal to make up for losses our parish incurred during COVID and to continue our growth. Your commitment will Protect Our Future of St. Paul Church in Pilsen, Chicago. Make your contribution in honor of a loved one, and Remember Your Past.
$300,000 in ONE YEAR
With the help of donations and our volunteers we will protect the future of St. Paul and look forward to a healthy tomorrow.
Give in honor of someone from the past. All donors will receive a Remember your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special Masses in honor of a loved one lost.
Prophet Circle
Teacher who spreads the word of God
All donors will receive a Remember Your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special masses.
Disciple Circle
A follower of Jesus
All donors will receive a Remember Your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special masses. Disciple Circle Members will also receive:
- Additional t-shirt
- Listing on our website – honoring a loved one lost with photo and short bio.
- Other opportunities for members of the Disciple Circle to honor their past will occur throughout the year.
Apostle Circle
Sent by Jesus to teach and build the Church
All donors will receive a Remember Your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special masses. Apostle Circle Members will also receive:
- Additional t-shirt
- Listing on our website
- 2 tickets to dinner with our pastor
- 1-2 minute video created by our team to honor a loved one lost. It will be posted on our website through October 2022.
- Other opportunities for members of the Disciple Circle to honor their past will occur throughout the year.
Saint Circle
A Good and Holy Person
All donors will receive a Remember Your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special masses. Members of the Saint Circle will also receive:
- 4 tickets to dinner with our pastor
- 2-5 minute story telling video honoring a loved one lost, including imagery and music, available to be shared through our website until October 2022
- Other opportunities to honor your past throughout the year.
Angel Circle
A Good and Holy Person
All donors will receive a Remember Your Past, Protect our Future t-shirt and listing in our campaign program for special masses. Members of the Saint Circle will also receive:
- 8 tickets to dinner with our pastor
- 5-7 minute video honoring loved ones lost.. Their honored family member will receive a key feature in our Remember the Past video series highlighted throughout the year
- Special mention in our Mass Companion Guides and on our website
Businesses and Organizations
Our founders were skilled laborers and entrepreneurs who gave their resources and gifts to construct St. Paul and create a beacon in the community. Without their dedication and commitment, we would not be here today. We know that when a church closes, the entire community suffers. Regardless of faith beliefs, St. Paul is GOOD for your COMMUNITY. We host food drives, work with youth, engage in social justice and build lasting relationships with area businesses and organizations. Help protect this anchor in the neighborhood!

Wood Workers Circle
The woodworkers of St. Paul made our pews and carved the edges by hand - making each one exactly like the last.
- Company/organization logo on all digital mass companion guides and Oktoberfest 2022 programs
- Business listing on Remember your Past, Protect our Future webpage on our website
- Logo placement in church entryway under Remember your Past, Protect our Future announcement boards
- Short-form video highlighting the history of your organization or business and your hopes for the future.
Masonry Circle
The masons laid each brick by hand and forever cemented our reputation as ``the church built without a nail.``
- Company/organization logo on all digital mass companion guides with links
- 1/4 page ad in all Special Mass Companion Guides and Oktoberfest 2022 Programs
- Prominent logo placement in church entryway under Remember your Past, Protect our Future announcement boards
- Logo placement and mention for all campaign events including Oktoberfest 2022
- Video highlighting the history of your organization or business and your hopes for the future, displayed on our website and distributed to you for use in your own advertising/promotions.
- Business listing on Remember your Past, Protect our Future webpage on our website. Includes logo, organizational bio and links to website or social media.
Apostle Circle
The stone carvers worked in Italy to bring the architect's design to life and sent it on ships, railroads and horse drawn wagons to 22nd & Hoyne.
- Company/organization logo on all digital mass companion guides with links
- Full page ad in all Special Mass Companion Guides and Oktoberfest 2022 programs
- Primary logo placement in church entryway under Remember your Past, Protect our Future announcement boards and signage used throughout the year
- Primary logo placement and mention for all campaign events including Oktoberfest
- Long-form Video (5-8 minutes) highlighting the history fo your organization or business and your hopes for the future, displayed on our website through October 2022 and distributed to you for use in advertising/promotions.
- Primary business listing on Remember your Past, Protect our Future webpage on our website. Includes video, logo, organizational bio and links to website or social media.
- Sunset cruise and dinner on Fr. Mike’s boat for 4 guests during Summer 2022
- 8 tickets to Dinner with our Pastor (date to be determined)